Big Hero 6 Review

Big Hero 6 Review

Summary (IMDB): The special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hiro Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes.

View the IMDB page here

BH6 deals with grief and the teenage emotions brilliantly while providing plenty of fun to soothe the pain. I loved everything about this movie, the concept is unique and the characters are really fun. Baymax himself is just a bundle of adorable, the low charge scene is one of my favourites. Its hilarious.

big hero 6If you haven’t managed to watch Big Hero 6 you should stick it to the top of your list, its well worth buying the DVD just for Baymax

You can check out the trailer here

NoisyGeek Rating: 5 out of 5

End of the first quarter top 5 list from the writers at deja.revue + friends!

Hello Revuers! Hard to believe that it’s April already. That means that the first quarter for comics this year has drawn (all puns intended, as per usual) to an end. With that we are proud to bring you a top 5 list of our favorite comics, and we invited some friends to do the same.The headers are clickable and lead to that persons blog. I strongly recommend that you check out each and every one of our contributors blogs, they are all fantastic. This article can be your one stop destination for the top comics of the year so far. If you are new and looking for a place to start in comics or a seasoned vet interested in branching,out this article has something for everyone. The big two, Image, indie start-ups, we have it all! So buckle your seat belts and get ready for a XXXXL pizza size worth…

View original post 3,921 more words

Breathless (Jesse Book 1) Review

Breathless (Jesse Book 1)

By Eve Carter

Summary (Amazon): Bad boy professional Motocross rider, Jesse Morrison, knows how to leave an impression. Except lately, it has mostly been bad impressions. Frustrated and wounded, he surrounds himself with women, booze and drugs. After getting kicked out of his brother’s house, he relocates to California for the summer to crash at his uncle’s place.

In Santa Monica, Jesse meets the one woman who can lead him back on the right path, beautiful twenty-two year old, Niki. Only one problem; she is not interested. Niki has her own demons to fight. A past that left her emotionally abandoned by her own blood, her father. She keeps her heart guarded and finds it difficult to trust a man again. Especially not a bad boy player who is more messed up than she. However, Jesse never backs down from a challenge. Armed with a sizzling attraction, he is determined to prove to Niki that there is more to him than what appears on the surface. That he is the one who can heal her heart.

After reading reviews and seeing the “New York Times Bestseller” stamped on the cover I thought this must be a winning read. Disappointed, I’m really glad this was free because sadly it’s not worth paying for

The plot had potential but fell short. I’m usually a fan of love at first sight stories but this one had no substance.

The characters were horrible and clichéd, I couldn’t find anything to like about them. They have so many issues which aren’t even fully addressed. At one point the main female character imagined self-harming herself but this was then completely ignored in the rest of the book. What the actual hell. Not only was this an irresponsible attitude from the authors side but it was a pointless addition to the story and didn’t add anything valuable.

To top of the end of a painful read the story abruptly ended mid plot – There was no smooth definite ending point and the story was abandoned in the middle of a major event for the character Jesse, almost like the author got bored and didn’t bother to finish.
I will definitely not be purchasing the next in the series

NoisyGeek: 1 out of 5 (ooh ouch huh?)

Poltergeist 2015 Review

Poltergeist (2015)

Genre: Horror

Summary (IMDB): A family whose suburban home is haunted by evil forces must come together to rescue their youngest daughter after the apparitions take her captive.

View the IMDB page here

I had high hopes for a big scare fest after watching the trailer (view it here), unfortunately Poltergeist was a let down.


There are some funny scenes which helped win this a higher rating (The scene with the power drill and the non-believer almost made me snort popcorn out my nose, nice huh?)

It’s been modernised and feels smoother than the original. The casting was almost spot on, I wasn’t a big fan of Sam Rockwell as the father but Kennedi Clements was perfect in the role of Madison and the rest of the characters were really easy to like.

MADDIEThere are a lot of unfinished plot lines such as the family’s money troubles that seemed to be pure filler without substance. Overall it’s an improvement to the original but lacked the scares and substance to be a big hit

NoisyGeek Rating: 3 out of 5

Spooks: The Greater Good

Spooks: The Greater Good


Summary: When charismatic terrorist Qasim escapes from MI5 custody during a routine handover, the legendary Harry Pearce, Head of Counter-terrorism, is blamed. Disgraced and forced to resign, no-one is surprised when Harry disappears one night off a bridge into the Thames…With MI5 on its knees in the wake of the Qasim debacle and facing controversial reform, former agent Will Holloway is brought back to uncover the truth they feared – Harry’s still alive. He’s gone rogue, and needs Will’s help. As Qasim prepares his devastating attack on the heart of MI5 in London, Will must decide whether to turn Harry in – or risk everything by trusting the damaged, dangerous master spy who has already betrayed him once before…

Certificate: 15

spooks 2

As I haven’t watched the TV series I’m rating this movie as a standalone. Spooks TGG was generally entertaining, it might not be this year’s top movie but it was definitely worth watching

Harrington was the main attraction for me, he didn’t quite shake his Jon Snow persona but his actions scenes are impressive and he delivered the classic agent angst you’d expect in this genre.

There is plenty of nonsense to be had and I lost count of the number of times the characters double crossed each other. It wasn’t all heavy action and chases, the moral dilemmas raised were unusual for a spy movie and provided a fair bit of post movie conversation. As one of the characters says

“You can do good or do well,” he says. “Sooner or later they make you choose.”

There’s no denying that spooks questions the sacrifices made in the protection of our country and in turn the consequences of those sacrifices. The ending was done particularly well and rounded things off nicely with a small twist.

Overall worth a watch, plenty of action and mystery helped along by a well-cast team.

You can view the trailer here

NoisyGeek Rating: 4 out of 5

Saga of the Noble Dead Review

Saga of the Noble Dead Phase 1

by Barb and J.C Hendee


Summary: a set of chronological books which tells the story of Magiere (a dhampir: a vampire/human hybrid), Leesil (a half-elf, an elf/human hybrid, with a dark past), and Chap (an elemental Fay born into the body of a majay-hì, elven hounds of a wolf lineage).

Magiere has earned a reputation as the most formidable vampire slayer in the land. Villagers far and wide welcome her with both awe and disdain — grateful to her for ridding their towns of the undead menace, but finding themselves made poorer for their salvation. Magiere knows she’s dealing with simple folk, who only wish to have their superstitions silenced, and sees nothing wrong with exploiting them for profit.

Now, tired of the game, Magiere and her partner, the half-elf Leesil, are ready to hang up their weapons and settle down in a place they can finally call home. But their newfound peace will not last — for Magiere has come to the attention of a trio of powerful and dangerous vampires who know her true identity — and fear the birthright that flows through her veins. And they will stop at nothing to keep Magiere from fulfilling her destiny

This series is another favourite of mine – it’s similar to what would happen if you mix Buffy with elven fiction. Magiere is a likeable character if not a bit frustrating at times. Her stubbourn attitude can grate but her strong development throughout the series more than makes up for this.

Leesil is definitely my favourite character, it’s easy to fall in love with him despite his wine habbit – he initially appears to be nothing more than a surly drunk. The story looks at Leesil’s past as well as Magiere’s and gives a good background to the developing romance between both the main characters.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read phase 1 and will no doubt be rereading it for many years to come. If you enjoy Buffy or Lord of the Rings then I would definitely recommend this series.

You can view the website here

NoisyGeek Rating: 5 out of 5

Infinity Crate April Review

Infinity Crate April Review

This month’s theme was “Abilities” which is quite a broad subject. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this box.

My favourite item was by far the Batman Arkham Asylum Vinyl Pop (Pop Heroes No 52) – I’m a massive batman fan and immediately added this guy to my geek shelf. The batman fun didn’t stop there – the box also came with a batman patch which I still have to find a home for. I’m not sure Batman could be classed as having abilities but as far as I’m concerned he is awesome. Is ass kicking an ability? Let me know what you think in the comments

batman arkhamThe T-shirt I received was another win and featured the Lego Avengers. The shirt itself was good quality, nicely coloured (big fan of the red) and the sizing was spot on.

The next item from the april crate has been a massive hit with the other members of the noisygeek house. The laser pen has delighted the Dog and Cat and ill admit i couldn’t wait to play with it. A really good quality laser which can clearly be seen. It even came with batteries which shows how much thought goes into these crates.

As usual there was a poster included, this month’s poster was a breakdown of “Superhuman Abilities for Dummies”. It seems to be high quality and would be perfect framed for a kids room.

The last two items weren’t something I was interested in (A Retro DR Who book and a spiderman magnet) but the majority of the April Crate was well worth the money.

NoisyGeek Rating 5 out of 5

Tartan at Heart and their Wild North Mission

As you know I have backed several Kickstarter projects in recent months which have generally been related to indie comics or other publications. What I haven’t shared is that I also keep an eye out for Kickstarter projects opened by small companies with unique products and where possible back them in support.

One of these is Tartan at Heart – a local business run in the wild north which specialises in beautiful tartan items.

You can view the full project here

I’m very lucky to personally know the creator and owner which means I know first-hand exactly how much care and attention goes into each item. As you can see from the photo’s they’ve included, their items are not only unique but they are very high quality.

T.A.H has opened this project to build a space which will allow them to expand their business and allow them to fully embrace their customer’s needs. There are several tiers you can select from to pledge and almost all of them include a handmade Tartan item as a backer reward. Believe me when I say that the rewards are well worth any of the tiers you might select

Please check this project out, share and donate if you can to support an independent business which produces beautiful items

NoisyGeek xox

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series Review

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series

By Laurell K Hamilton

Summary: Anita Blake: This series focuses on Anita Blake, a professional zombie raiser, vampire executioner and supernatural consultant for the police, which includes novels, short story collections, and comic books.

anitaThis series was initially a well-read favourite of mine however as the story continued (I have read up to book 18) I found myself becoming tired of the constant sex scenes. The constant sex scenes become the main focal point and drew away from the storytelling for me.

I felt that the main character Anita became almost unlikeable, constantly obsessing over whether or not she is a slut. Anita was initially written as a strong heroine but ended up a let-down in later books.

I was genuinely gutted by the development of the story and had to stop at book 18 to still enjoy the series. Today I can read books 1-5 with enjoyment but anything further feels almost like a chore.

The first 5 books are well worth a read and still hold prime position in my bookshelves. Let me clarify that I understand there are people who practice Polyandrous and believe me I admire them (jealous? Hell yeah who wouldn’t be) but the sex scenes later in this series lacked interest and became just descriptions.

NoisyGeek Rating: 3 out of 5

The Church and The Dime – Bryn G Jones

The Church and The Dime Issue 2

By Bryn G Jones

Another nice issue from Bryn G Jones. The story continues with Jonny trying to work out what is happening to him after the accident. He meets what I’m assuming is a priest (he says Jonny can find him at a church) who tells Jonny he is slipping between worlds. Dum dum dum! Interesting right? I thought so

I’m actually really enjoying this story so far, I’ve backed both issue one and two on Kickstarter and I can’t wait to get the final two issues in the series to see how the story ends.

I won’t deny that the narration is still a bit confusing but the overall story is interesting – the scene such as the one where the priest tells Jonny “Punch me in the face Pussy” while slapping him made me laugh.

The artwork is suited to the plot, the characters faces are made up of sharp lines which I think bring the emotions to life really well. The cover is done in a different style of softer lines which seems strange but it is beautifully done.

I’ll be continuing on with this series, I plan to read all the issues together once published to see if the story flows better without the gaps in time.

NoisyGeek Rating: 4 out of 5