Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series Review

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series

By Laurell K Hamilton

Summary: Anita Blake: This series focuses on Anita Blake, a professional zombie raiser, vampire executioner and supernatural consultant for the police, which includes novels, short story collections, and comic books.

anitaThis series was initially a well-read favourite of mine however as the story continued (I have read up to book 18) I found myself becoming tired of the constant sex scenes. The constant sex scenes become the main focal point and drew away from the storytelling for me.

I felt that the main character Anita became almost unlikeable, constantly obsessing over whether or not she is a slut. Anita was initially written as a strong heroine but ended up a let-down in later books.

I was genuinely gutted by the development of the story and had to stop at book 18 to still enjoy the series. Today I can read books 1-5 with enjoyment but anything further feels almost like a chore.

The first 5 books are well worth a read and still hold prime position in my bookshelves. Let me clarify that I understand there are people who practice Polyandrous and believe me I admire them (jealous? Hell yeah who wouldn’t be) but the sex scenes later in this series lacked interest and became just descriptions.

NoisyGeek Rating: 3 out of 5

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