Saga of the Noble Dead Review

Saga of the Noble Dead Phase 1

by Barb and J.C Hendee


Summary: a set of chronological books which tells the story of Magiere (a dhampir: a vampire/human hybrid), Leesil (a half-elf, an elf/human hybrid, with a dark past), and Chap (an elemental Fay born into the body of a majay-hì, elven hounds of a wolf lineage).

Magiere has earned a reputation as the most formidable vampire slayer in the land. Villagers far and wide welcome her with both awe and disdain — grateful to her for ridding their towns of the undead menace, but finding themselves made poorer for their salvation. Magiere knows she’s dealing with simple folk, who only wish to have their superstitions silenced, and sees nothing wrong with exploiting them for profit.

Now, tired of the game, Magiere and her partner, the half-elf Leesil, are ready to hang up their weapons and settle down in a place they can finally call home. But their newfound peace will not last — for Magiere has come to the attention of a trio of powerful and dangerous vampires who know her true identity — and fear the birthright that flows through her veins. And they will stop at nothing to keep Magiere from fulfilling her destiny

This series is another favourite of mine – it’s similar to what would happen if you mix Buffy with elven fiction. Magiere is a likeable character if not a bit frustrating at times. Her stubbourn attitude can grate but her strong development throughout the series more than makes up for this.

Leesil is definitely my favourite character, it’s easy to fall in love with him despite his wine habbit – he initially appears to be nothing more than a surly drunk. The story looks at Leesil’s past as well as Magiere’s and gives a good background to the developing romance between both the main characters.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read phase 1 and will no doubt be rereading it for many years to come. If you enjoy Buffy or Lord of the Rings then I would definitely recommend this series.

You can view the website here

NoisyGeek Rating: 5 out of 5

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