LARPs: The Series Review


LARP’s Web Series                               

Synopsis (LARPS website): LARPs is a scripted web series that explores how the imagination of play affects reality—and vice versa. In a LARP, or live action roleplaying game, players assume the identity of their chosen character and physically perform their actions (as opposed to simply describing them). Six twentysomething friends meet regularly to play in a LARP, and we follow them through their daily lives to see the parallels between the game and the real world


I absolutely love this series, not only does it give a brilliant insight into the world of larping but it is genuinely hilarious. There are plenty of quotable scenes and it’s ridiculously easy to find yourself watching an entire season in one night. Between the casting and the writing on each episode I was blown away, I’m gutted that I left it so long to catch up on the more recent episodes.

This isn’t just an ideal show for those already involved in roleplaying, LARPs is a series that will appeal to everyone regardless of their experience. Top marks for a series which has proved that web shows can be a 5 star experience.


NoisyGeek Rating: 5 out of 5

You can view the episodes here

Check out the LARPs page here

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