Northmen: A Viking Saga Review

Northmen Review

Genre: Action/Adventure

UK Rating: 15


Summary (IMDB): A band of Vikings cross enemy lines and a panicked race begins. The losers will pay with their lives.


I love a Viking movie, even more so when it’s a bargain price in the local Tesco. Northmen started with a shipwreck and moved into a full bloody battle within minutes. There was a lot of fighting and big action scenes throughout this movie, most of them handled well camera wise. The battle scenes were good overall but there are some parts which seemed awkward, the fight in the boggy tar pit was overly bizarre.

The characters themselves were as you’d expect, all rugged, death and Valhalla. I was however a bit surprised that they didn’t make the leader Asbjorn more dominant, there were a few scenes where I was expecting a beat down to be delivered after his men kept giving him sass but it never surfaced. I appreciated the casting, each character had a charm and felt “right”as a Viking.

NM3The story line itself was good, I enjoyed it right up to the end which severely disappointed. How did he survive a steep plunge into tempestuous Scottish coastline waves and then manage to find the boat in a cave which was under water and row it out to pick everyone up (who also magically survived)? Must be some viking luck. Unfortunately the ending felt rushed and left me with a bad taste

A basic action movie with attractive casting but a poor ending

NoisyGeek Rating: 3 out of 5

You can view the trailer here

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