Outlander (2008) Review

Outlander (2008)

Summary: During the reign of the Vikings, Kainan, a man from a far-off world, crash lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the Viking’s Iron Age weaponry.

outlander 2

Science fiction and Vikings have been perfectly blended together in Outlander. There’s monsters, spaceships, norse mythology and plenty of gore filled battle scenes. It delivers everything I love in one movie

If you haven’t watched this already I would definitely recommend watching it. There’s a nice romance backstory between the main characters Kainan and Freya as well as a budding bromance which is always nice to see in an action movie.

outlander 3The one tiny niggle for Outlander was that some of the special effects, particularly the monster scenes which came across as a bit cheesy but it’s easy enough to forgive when you think this movie was made back in 2008

Well worth a watch

NoisyGeek Rating: 4.5 out of 5

3 thoughts on “Outlander (2008) Review

  1. I so wish this was streaming on Amazon or Netflix. Seems like the perfect movie for it. I wanted more of Kainan’s world but then I always do as his world is the advanced society with all the magic. I also wanted more of the Viking world as I always do because I am such a history freak. So…I guess I just wanted more. I could go for a sequel if they had some of Kainan’s friends showing up looking for him or something. But that will never happen because the studio that produced this decided their work was not worth the advertising to get any sort of following. The worst part of the production was the publicity for it. There are far, far worse pieces of work released out there that get a too large following compared to the quality of the product. Shame that Outlander was so forgotten. Good pick!

    1. Its a shame there isn’t a bigger following for this because i genuinely enjoyed watching. I’ve managed to get a few people to watch it based on word of mouth but there really should have been advertising when it initially came out.

      Im not sure what region you are in but I finally got this on the Netflix UK service.

      Thanks for your thoughts


      1. I’m in the colonies across the pond. I love sci-fi and this snuck under the radar. I came across a blurb about it a couple years ago only because the star is from the small town where I work. He’s like one of the local success stories. If not for that your post may well have been the first time I every heard about it.

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